Committing local changes to CVS

While editing the files that make up this beautiful guide, I have been altering many of the files and as far as I can remember I have:

From within Eclipse switch to the resource perspective and unfold your "Using CVS via Eclipse". It is probable that what you see in this view is not up to date with what you have on your hard disk. So right-click on this entry and select Refresh. You will now see the latest contents on your hard disk.

Now switch to the Team synchronizing perspective (as usual if you do not see it's icon in the leftmost toolbar use the "Open a perspective button" to add it). Make sure that you have the Incoming/Outgoing view active (click on the corresponding icon below the "Synchronize View - CVS Workspace" titlebar).

You will see the project name and if you expand it you could have something similar to this:

Snapshot of Eclipse's Team Synchronizing perspective

In this screen you can see that there are 8 resources differing from the local workspace and the CVS repository of which some (with the small plus sign on the grey arrow) are new files that have been created on the local workstation and yet do not exist on the CVS server.

Other flagged with a simple right pointing grey arrow (index.html for example) are already on CVS but have been locally updated. If you right click on any of these files you can open them in the compare editor which will help you visualizing the differences. These entries also show the revision number (1.2 in the picture) of such files on the CVS server.

Now to update the CVS server with the local files just press onto the Commit all outgoing changes button (under the Synch view title).

You will be prompted about resources not being under CVS control. These are the new files you have created locally and so confirm with a "Yes" or click on details to be able to avoid some of the files.

Enter a comment that will go along the new or updated files, click OK and the transfer of the updated files will take place from your local workstation to the CVS server. The usual yellow animated icon in Eclipse's lower left coner will indicate that the operation is under way.

When finished the pane will be empty. Not a bug ! It is just a way of saying that there are no more differences between CVS and you local filesystem.

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